Conference on the North Bohemian Water Industry (and More)

Sep 21, 2023 | About VDT

On September 14th, our colleague Jiří Jirkovský had the privilege of attending a water management conference hosted in Ústí nad Labem, under the auspices of SOVAK ČR and in collaboration with the North Bohemian Water Company. The primary focus of this event was not limited solely to the North Bohemian water industry.

The conference drew in over 200 mayors and professionals from municipal and local authorities. They were presented with a unique opportunity, not only to partake in expert lectures but also to engage personally with key figures responsible for shaping and executing investments in water infrastructure.

The conference program encompassed enlightening discussions on various aspects of the water industry, including drinking water treatment and distribution, wastewater disposal and treatment, as well as the integration of cutting-edge technologies within this domain. Eminent speakers, hailing from the Severočeská voda Group, shared their insights. Furthermore, the conference featured invigorating presentations addressing critical water resource concerns, water legislation updates, and other pertinent topics, thanks to the active involvement of distinguished representatives from institutions deeply involved in the water industry. Among the esteemed guests were Radek Hospodka, Director of the Department of Chief Regulation and Supervision of the Water Supply and Sewerage Sector at the Ministry of Agriculture, Petr Kubala, Chairman of the Water Management Association of the Czech Republic, Vilém Žák, Director of the Water Supply and Sewerage Association of the Czech Republic, and Jiří Paul, Vice-Chairman of the Water Association of the Czech Republic.

In his closing remarks, Tomáš Indra, Chairman of the Boards of Directors for both Severočeské vodárenské společnost and Severočeské vodovody a kanalizací, emphasized that this conference was more than just a celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of these companies; it was, above all, an opportunity to foster close relationships among municipal representatives, enabling them to personally connect and collaborate effectively in the future.

V Ústí se diskutovalo o (nejen) severočeském vodárenství | SOVAK ČR