Interview with Ing. Jiří Jirkovský published in Siemens Vision magazine

Aug 14, 2023 | About VDT

Siemens Xcelerator Marketplace represents a great opportunity for us

We are thrilled to share an interview given by our colleague Jiří Jirkovský to Siemens Visions magazine. In the interview, Jiří focuses on the importance of the strategic partnership between VDT Technology and Siemens and our collaboration through the Siemens Xcelerator Marketplace. This platform, he explains, provides us with a great opportunity to reach a broad customer base with comprehensive digital solutions and tools based on Siemens platforms, such as Comosintegration.

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Launched last year, Siemens Xcelerator Marketplace brings together a portfolio of products and services from Siemens and certified partners. Despite being a relatively new addition to the platform, we already see the business benefits. In addition to business opportunities, we gain the ability to contribute to the overall development of the platform, such as by sharing our knowledge of European legislation in selected countries. Collaboration with academia and government bodies is also an important benefit of participation.

In the interview, Jiří also highlights other advantages of the platform. Speaking generally, Siemens Xcelerator is a vital tool for supporting digital transformation and innovation in the corporate environment. The platform serves as a central point of access to all necessary digital resources, enabling companies to create and implement modern digital solutions to achieve a competitive advantage in the market. For VDT, this business platform is particularly important. As a Siemens certified partner and technology integrator, we integrate Siemens’ MindSphere platforms – Insights Hub and COMOS – into our projects in order to offer customers our own unique solutions, such as Comosintegration. This serves as a link between these different platforms, allowing them to communicate with each other. We offer Comosintegration through the Siemens Xcelerator digital marketplace, as the solution fulfils one of the platform’s main objectives : facilitating integration and collaboration between different platforms.

In addition to Comosintegration, we also offer other applications on this trading platform, such as Custom Notifier, which optimizes communication between the monitoring system and operators. We also offer our Water Infrastructure Maintenance (WIM) application, which provides a comprehensive overview of the operation of water infrastructure.

With Siemens Xcelerator Marketplace, companies can leverage modern digital technologies in the fields of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics and automation to enhance productivity, competitiveness and innovation. The platform provides the means to develop and deploy new digital solutions and enables deeper collaboration between various partners and experts.