Our Traffic Flow App

Oct 10, 2023 | About VDT

At the 27th World Road Congress starting today, we are presenting our innovative traffic engineering application TrafficFlow, developed in cooperation with CertiCon a.s. This application implements modern telematic traffic management systems, in particular through the control and monitoring system. By combining video analysis, artificial intelligence and deep learning (DLPU), it not only provides us with precise results, but also greatly simplifies and speeds up the entire process.

The TrafficFlow app allows users to intuitively create accurate traffic models that are tailored to their needs. Data extracted in real time is presented on a clear dashboard with interactive widgets. This data is efficiently processed from open sources and can be easily shared with external systems via the open IoT platform Insights Hub-MindSphere, provided by our partner Siemens. Insights Hub-MindSphere is an open operating system and cloud-based solution for the Internet of Things (IoT), whose features enable the transformation of large amounts of data generated by individual devices into smart data.

A key feature of our application is its ability to operate in real-time with minimal latency, including when processing open data and passing it to higher-level control systems. This contributes to the development and creation of traffic models for cities and counties based on the Insights Hub-MindSphere platform. The response time to events in the image is in the dozens of milliseconds, enabling rapid responses to developing situations. TrafficFlow also offers integration with smart city platforms and supports a wide range of IoT modules.

This combination of features dramatically reduces the cost of acquiring, operating and integrating applications in smart parking, traffic management, personal monitoring and security. We are excited to bring a new standard to the traffic engineering field with TrafficFlow, and we would be delighted to welcome you to our stand CS15, in the Czech-Slovak Pavilion.

#PIARCWRC23 #TrafficFlow #VDTTechnology #SmartCity #CertiCon #Siemens #SiemensPartners #InsightsHub #MindSphere