VDT Technology is on the brink of unveiling the results of its latest endeavour, a project named “Analysis of the design of security measures based on software modelling of the movement of people.”

Apr 29, 2024 | About VDT

Co-funded by the European Union, the project aims to assess the technological and commercial viability of developing a comprehensive security system. The primary focus lies in behavioural simulation of the movement of individuals within both present-day and future structures categorized as soft targets, Category III buildings, and social event spaces for the public.

Expect a feasibility study showcasing the economic and technical viability of the services in question. The economic segment of the study delves into establishing the commercial potential of the envisaged system, with a specific emphasis on engaging project offices, operators/owners, municipalities, public administrations, organizers of public social events, investors, and insurance companies.

Technologically, the project hinges on software modelling of human movements utilizing Pathfinder and PyroSim tools. Pathfinder offers agent-based simulation capabilities via an intuitive interface, delivering detailed insights. PyroSim serves as a complement to the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS), developed by NIST in the United States. Collaboration with esteemed partners such as the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Brno University of Technology, the International Safety Institute, Recognity s.r.o., Ing. Alena Šimková – a member of the European Technical Commission CEN/TC 325 – and Zbyněk Valdmann – from Fire Safety of Buildings – has been instrumental in bringing the project to fruition.

#Bezpečnost #Inovace #SoftwarovéModelování #Pathfinder #PyroSim